Road Trip!!!! My sister, her friend Liz and I took a trip to Knoxville, TN to see the Twilight Saga New Moon Movie Premiere. We left on Monday, November 16th at 8 am and headed down south for an adventure. The premiere wasn't until Tuesday night so we camped out in the parking lot and slept in my van...well stayed up and worked on a sign almost all night. We had went to the movies to see Where the Wild Things Are when I realized I might have left the car unlocked so I went out to check and ran into some Knox County Sheriffs who were super nice. They gave me some information about the premiere then told me they would watch out for us while we slept in the van. Anyways, we got up early to get at the front and center of the red carpet hoping to get an autograph and see Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart. We met some great gals while down there. Big shout out to Patti and Kelli!!! My sister was interviewed by a couple different bloggers and local papers/ news stations while we waited for the stars to arrive to the premiere. Our sign said New Moon Bachelorette Party from Michigan! which we thought would get Taylor's attention because he is from MI but he went one way to sign autographs and Kristen came our way. Little did we know we would meet Kristen and stand right by Taylor Lautner. She signed my copy of New Moon as well as my sisters and Liz's books. We noticed that her bodyguard was the sheriff (Shout out to Officer Brandon) that watched out for us all night. It turns out he told her about how we came all the way from Michigan to see them and support the movie. She got out of her car, did an interview then she waved at us, walked right over, smiled then signed everything. She was so sweet and not at all what I thought she would be... which is awkward but she wasn't at all.We decided to drive home at 9 pm, we made it to my parents house at 7:30 Wednesday morning. It was so much fun and I would do it again in a heartbeat. It will make for a great Matron of Honor speech for my sisters upcoming wedding thats for sure!!!!

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